Hiking tour and education of Hawaiian Monk seal

Honolulu, Hawaii

Kittie Travelは絶えず参加者の皆様の安全と健康を第一に考えています。ツアーは少人数制のプライベートツアーとなります。


何かご質問がございましたら何時でもご連絡ください。 電話番号: 1-808-518-7642 メールアドレス: keiko@kittietravelandiliokai.com



Hawaii Global Tourism Summit 2017 (5).jpg

Keiko Mori



ハワイアンモンクシールのツアーはオアフ島のNorth Shore, 西海岸、またはWaikiki 近郊となります。






Tour Details:

Kai'ili Kaulukukui, 2018年ロコの画家がカカアコにある壁面に描いたアザラシ

Kai'ili Kaulukukui, 2018年ロコの画家がカカアコにある壁面に描いたアザラシ

ご質問があれば何時でもメッセージをお送りくださいね。フェースブックのメッセンジャー、インスタグラムのメッセージ、又はライン(Keiko Mori) が使用出来ます。よろしくお願いいたします。

If you have any question please send us a message by Facebook Messenger, Instagram Message, or Line (Keiko Mori) Mahalo!

Virtual Tour: Zoomを通してハワイアンモンクシールを学ぶクラス

このクラスは 1 時間のZoomミーティングのクラスです。ご自宅にいてハワイアンモンクシールの事を学ぶクラスでモンクシールの写真やビデオが盛り沢山です。ハワイアンモンクシールの体の特徴や性格、そして私たちがどの様にして助けモンクシールが絶滅危惧から抜け出しもっとたくさんのモンクシールがハワイの海で生息出来るようになるか等を学んでください。クラス終了後には出席された方に『ハワイアンモンクシールの大使』の証明書をメールで送ります。




The class takes about one hour on Zoom meeting. You can learn about Hawaiian Monk Seal and watch many photos and videos at your own home. Let’s learn about Hawaiian Monk Seal’s physiology and personality and how to support it to growing its population and inhabit in the Hawaiian Islands.

After the class I will send you a certification of Ambassador of Hawaiian Monk Seal by email.

Please let me know when is the best time to have a Zoom meeting!

Children is welcome to join us.

TOUR ONE:  ハワイのアザラシ大使のクラスとホアに会う

このツアーは2時間半のコースですので、時間が余りない方や小さなお子さんがいるご家族に最適です。ツアーの場所もワイキキですので時間を心配されずに参加頂けます。午前 11 時からのツアーで、カピオラ二公園でダイアモンドヘッドを背景にハワイの自然の中でハワイのアザラシの事を学びハワイのアザラシ大使になりましょう。その後、ホアくん (11才の雄) に会いに行きましょう。所要時間: 2 時間 30 分


This tour takes about 2 and a half hours so that it is perfect for someone who doesn’t have long hours to travel to another side of Oahu and for someone who has younger children in a family. The tour location is in the Waikiki area. The Tour starts at 11 am and you will learn about Hawaiian Monk Seal at Kapiolani Park with Diamond Head view and Hawaiian nature then become an Ambassador of Hawaiian Monk Seal. After learned about the seal, let’s go to meet Ho`a (a male, 13 years old Hawaiian Monk Seal) Tour time: Two and a half hours.

Currently, Hoa is helping a study of Hawaiian Monk Seal’s hearing in the ocean at the University in USA Mainland. Unfortunately, this tour is canceled until Ho`a is coming home.

Kapiolani Park and Diamond Head

Kapiolani Park and Diamond Head

TOUR TWO:  ハイキングとピクニックツアー (Meal is not included in the tour fee)


All our tours are operating as Private tours. Please let me know if you prefer private car or city bus option.

交通費は別途負担となります。プライベートカー: $250 (一日)(車一台は6人まで) 市バス(1日券)): $7. 50 (大人) と $3. 50 (子供) **ハワイ州の規定により全てのツアーはPUCライセンスを持った車使用と決められています。もし、事故が起きた場合お客様も保険が掛かっているからです。

Additional transportation fees: the private car: $250.00/one day (one car fit up to 6 guests)  If you prefer to ride a city bus (one day pass): $7.50/adult and $3.50/child

**Hawaii state required to use PUC licensed vehicle for tours. So the guests included insurance when the accident occurred.

このツアーはプライベートでオアフ島のノースショアのハイキングが中心ですがオプショナルツアーでお客様の好きな活動を中心に組み合わせます。お昼にはロコの様にビーチでピクニックをしたりご希望のコースを組みます。食事代は別途負担となります。ハイキングしながらアザラシ、野鳥や植物などの観察ができます。そしてハワイの自然の中でハワイのアザラシの事を学びハワイのアザラシ大使になりましょう。このツアーはご家族(ハイキングのできる年代のお子さん、)グループ、個人に最適です。所要時間:5 時間

This tour is a private or group tour, including hiking activities of North Shore, Oahu and you can add activities such as a picnic on the beach like a local, etc.  Basically, you can request your favorite activities for the tour. You will experience Hawaiian wildlife and the Hawaiian Monk Seal during the hiking. Plus, you will learn about Hawaiian Monk Seal at Hawaiian nature or on the beach and become an Ambassador of Hawaiian Monk Seal.  For a family with older children, groups, and singles.  Tour time:  FIVE to Seven hours.


10:00 am:  タートルベイリゾートホテルのロビー集合

10:30 pm:  ハイキング (2 時間)

12:30 pm:  ビーチでピクニック (1時間)

01:30pm:  ハイキングで出発点に戻る (2時間)

02:00 pm:  タートルベイリゾートホテルのロビーで解散



アザラシを見付けたら、NOAAのホットライン (808) 220-7802に連絡して下さい。

アザラシを見付けたら、NOAAのホットライン (808) 220-7802に連絡して下さい。

TOUR THREE:  オアフ島の西側のビーチツアー (Meal is not included in the tour fee)


All our tours are operating as Private tours. Please let me know if you prefer to ride a private car or city bus.

交通費は別途負担となります。プライベートカー: $200 (一日) (車一台は6人まで)市バス (1日券): $7. 50 (大人) と $3. 50 (子供) 


Additional transportation fees: the private car: $200.00/one day (one car fit up to 6 guests) If you prefer to ride a city bus (one day pass): $7.50/adult and $3.50/child

**Hawaii state required to use PUC licensed vehicles for tours. So the guests included insurance when the accident occurred.


This tour is visiting beaches in the Westside of O'ahu.  For families with any age of children, groups, and singles.  This tour is a private or group tour, including hiking activities of Oahu and you can add activities such as a picnic on the beach like a local, etc.  The meal is not included in the tour prices. Basically, you can request your favorite activities for the tour.  You will experience Hawaiian wildlife and the Hawaiian Monk Seal during the hiking.   Plus, you will learn about the Hawaiian Monk Seal in Hawaiian nature or on the beach and become an Ambassador of the Hawaiian Monk Seal.  For a family with children, groups, and singles. Tour time:  about five hours


10:00 am:  コオリナマーケットプレイス集合

10:30 pm:  ハイキング (3 時間)

01:30 pm:  コオリナビーチでピクニック (1時間)

02:30pm:  ハイキングで出発点に戻る (2時間)

03:00 pm:  コオリナマーケットプレイスで解散

TOUR FOUR:  スペシャルツアー


このツアーでお母さんと赤ちゃんのアザラシが見られます。ただし、このツアーは少人数です。なぜなら、この場所はとても神聖だからです。お母さんアザラシがミルクを飲ませたり、泳ぎを教えたり、お昼寝したり、一緒に遊んだり赤ちゃんの面倒を見るのを見守ってあげて下さい。お母さんは始終赤ちゃんを保護していますので離れた場所 (150 ㌳) からそっと見学します。

このツアーをご希望の場合はKittie Travelにツアーが可能かお問い合わせ下さい。このツアーは場所によっては海沿いのハイキングコースを歩く時もあります。

The Spring is pup season for Hawaiian Monk Seal.  The seal mother is nursing her baby at the sacred locations.

You will see the mother and pup, but this tour is limited to people at the time.  Please remember that this site is a sacred place.  We need to respect the mother to take care of her pup, nursing, swimming lesson, resting, and entertaining together.  Also, the mother is protecting her pup so we will be observing them from a far distance (150 feet).

Please contact us if this tour is available on your requested date.  This tour sometimes requires walking on the hiking trails alongside coastlines.


ロッキー(RH58,お母さん)とカイマナ(RJ58, 赤ちゃん)カイマナは2017年6月29日に生まれました。

ロッキー(RH58,お母さん)とカイマナ(RJ58, 赤ちゃん)カイマナは2017年6月29日に生まれました。

**全てのツアー料の一部は808Cleanup (Hawaiiの海やビーチを綺麗にする活動)に寄付します。

** We donate part of the profit to 808 Cleanup for Cleaning beaches and the ocean.

アロハ、日本の皆様オアフ島へようこそ E komo mai!

私は、Keiko Moriです。私はハワイ州のツアーガイドとして認定されています。ハワイの歴史、文化や地理などをアロハの精神と共に皆様に紹介いたします。私はHawai`i Marine Animal Responses (HMAR) に公認されたHawaii Marin Animal Stewardshipsです。

2017年の夏にワイキキビーチで生まれたカイマナ(Kaimana), RJ58と言う女の子のアザラシに会ってからすっかりハワイのアザラシの大ファンになりました。ワイキキビーチはオアフ島で最も観光客の多いとても忙しいビーチで、カイマナは6月29日に生まれました。ロッキー(Rockyはカイマナのお母さん)とカイマナは一躍世界的に有名になりました。ロッキーとカイマナに会って以来、ハワイだけに住むアザラシの保護に協力してアザラシが安全に生息しもっと数が多くなるように出来ればと願っています。

Hawaiian Monk Seal (ハワイのアザラシ)は世界で最も絶滅危惧のある海の動物の一種で、僅か1,400頭ほどしかいません。そしてこのアザラシはハワイにだけ生息しています。ハワイ以外の地域には全く生息していません。

ハワイのアザラシのハワイ語の名前は: iliokai(海の犬), ilioholoikauaua (荒波の海を走る犬), そして mea hulu (毛深い動物) などと呼ばれています。アザラシの顔本当に犬に似ていて可愛いですよ!アザラシは海の中で遊ぶことが大好きです。アザラシの食べ物は主に海底に住むタコ、ウナギ、海老名などで岩陰から取って食べます。

Kittie Travelは Hawai`i Marine Animal Responses のハワイの海に住む野生動物、特にHawaiian Monk Seal (ハワイのアザラシ)の保護活動を援助しています。

Hawaiian Monk Seal (ハワイのアザラシ)を学ぶツアーはオアフ島での活動です。ツアーはプライベートとグループツアーでお客様のご要望にお応えしたコースで地元の人(ロコ)のお気に入りの場所へ行ったりしましょう。ツアーの始めに アザラシがどの様な海の動物で私たちがどうしたら保護することが出来るのか学び、ハワイのアザラシ大使になりましょう!ツアーの途中ではアザラシが海岸で休んでいるのに遭遇するかもしれませんよ。


So far, we have 4 newborn pups in 2021.


O`ahu: Mohala (unfold like flower petals; blossoming and opening) (PO1) (pup 1 of Hawai`i), born March 20, 2021 (mother: Pua, RF34/35 born on April 3, 2014, and at 5 months old missing.  Grandmother is Sadie, RB12/13)  

赤ちゃん第一号は 3 月20日にオアフ島のマナナ島(ラビット島)で誕生しました。お母さんは久しぶりに姿を現した2014年生まれで今年7才になるプア、RF34/35サディ (RB12/13) の娘です。マナナ島にいる母と子なので近くで観察することが出来ません。

モハラ(PO1) まだIDタッグを付け貰っていないです。モハラの意味は開花、オープンする。



Kaua`i: (PK1), born April 23, 2021 (mother: RB00 born on April 28, 2007.  Grandmother is Rocky, RH58/59.)  RB00 weaned (between June 15 and 18) PK1 on for about 53 - 56 days nursing.

カウアイ島の赤ちゃん第1号は4月23日にカウアイ島で誕生しました。お母さんは今年 13 才になるRB00ロッキー (RH58/59) の娘です。


RB00とPK1 写真はKauai Seals

RB00とPK1 写真はKauai Seals

O`ahu: Loli`i, RP96/97 (PO2), a boy, born April 26, 2021 (mother: Kaiwi, RK96/97 – her 4th pup) at Kaimana Beach.  Kaiwi, RK96 weaned him on June 8, 2021, for 43 days

オアフ島で2番目に生まれた赤ちゃんはローリイ(PO2), RP96/97。4月26日にワイキキビーチで生まれました。お母さんはワイキキビーチで有名なカイビ、RK96/97。ローリイはカイビの4番目の子供で2番目の男の子です。

Kaiwi, RK96/97 and her 4th pup (2nd son) Loli`i, RP96/97

Kaiwi, RK96/97 and her 4th pup (2nd son) Loli`i, RP96/97

O`ahu: Leihilo, RP30/31 (PO3), a boy born May 12, 2021 (mother: RL42/43 – her 3rd pup) at Mokuleia.  RL42 weaned him on June 20, 2021, for 38 days.

オアフ島で3番目に生まれたのはレイヒロ (PO3), RP30/31で5月12日にノースショアのモクレイアで生まれたよ。お母さんはRL42でレイヒロは彼女の3番目の子供。

RL42/43 and Leihilo (PO3), RP30/31 — Photo by Dan (member of Hawaiian Monk Seals page)

RL42/43 and Leihilo (PO3), RP30/31 — Photo by Dan (member of Hawaiian Monk Seals page)

O`ahu: Manana (PO4), a boy born May 13, 2021 (mother:  Aukai, RL42/43) at Rabbit Island.  We don’t know any information about Manana.

オアフ島で4番目に生まれたのはマナナ (PO4) で5月13日にマナナ島 (ラビット島) で生まれ。お母さんはアウカイ、RL12/13 (2012年6月12日生まれ)


2年ぶりくらいに会えたワワマルとノヘア、兄妹。大きくなったね❣ カイビの子供たち。

About 2 years since I have seen them last time, Wawamalu and Nohea, big brother and little sister. They are growing up. Kaiwi’s pups

Kittie Travel always puts guests' safety and health first.  We are operating a small number of guests and private tours.  We follow the Hawaii state’s standard rules for CODIV-19 protection.  We sanitize all parts of the private car after finishing a tour and all staff wear a mask and do Social Distancing.  We also ask our guests to wear a mask during the tour.  We always prepare sanitizers for our guests to use in the car.  Please contact us if you have any concerns/questions about our tours.  Phone:  (808) 518-7642 and email:  keiko@kittietravelandiliokai.com.  Mahalo!

Let's learn about Hawaiian Monk Seal who is the most endangered marine species in the world!

About  us

This is the monk seal model! I met it when I visited the booth of NOAA at Hawai`i Global Tourism Summit in September 2017

This is the monk seal model! I met it when I visited the booth of NOAA at Hawai`i Global Tourism Summit in September 2017

Kittie Travel


(808) 518-7642


930 21st Avenue

Honolulu, HI 96816



Hawaiian Monk seal and tour

Keiko Mori is a Hawai`i state's Professional Tour Guide so that she introduce you to Hawai`i history, culture, and geography with Aloha Spirit.  Also, Keiko is a Hawaii Marine Animal Stwardships by Hawaii Marine Animal Responses (HMAR.)

She met Rocky, RH58, and Kaimana, RJ58 (mom & baby) of Hawaiian Monk Seal at Waikiki Beach, the busiest beach in the summer of 2017.  Rocky gave to birth Kaimana on Waikiki Beach on June 29, 2017.  They became popular Hawaiian Monk Seals in the world.  Keiko fell in love with them and wanted to support and protect all seals in Hawaii so that seals will grow their population and live healthy and happy in Hawaii. Also, we can keep our Eco-system on Earth. 

Hawaiian Monk Seal is the most Endangered Marine animal species in the world and is endemic to the Hawaiian Islands, meaning it is native and exists nowhere else on Earth. There are only about 1,400 seals live in Hawai`i.

Their Hawaiian names are "iliokai" (dog of the sea), "ilioholoikauaua" (dog running in the rough seas), and "mea hulu" (furry one.)  They love to play in the water and eat on a diverse range of fish and octopuses and squid which live on or near the ocean floor and hide in the sand or under rocks.

Kittie Travel is supporting Hawai`i Marine Animal Responses to protect Hawaiian Monk Seal.

We offer educational Hawaiian Monk Seal tours in Oahu, Hawaii.  You are able to learn about seals Who they are, How they swim in the water and move on the beach, etc., and How to protect them on the beach and in the water. If you are lucky you meet some of the seals at the beaches. After the tour, you become “Ambassador of Hawaiian Monk Seal”

We opened our new OnlineShop, I`liokai - Hawaiian Monk Seal. Please visit us!

Hawaiian Monk Seal Update (O`ahu)

Kala`i (PO2) a boy was born on May 8th, 2019 at North Shore and his mother is Luana (RN58/59), PO2 is her 2nd pup. Luana weaned him on June 14th and NOAA gave him ID Tags as RL20/21 on June 19th.

Kalai, RL20/21 lost his 1 year older brother Kuokala, RK88/89 by drowning by Fishing net last Summer. Then he was moving around on Oahu coastlines and found his favorite spot. He made many friends including his uncle, Ka`ale, RH32/33. He is a brave boy but still shy.

Kala`i, RL20/21 on the Rocks

Kala`i, RL20/21 on the Rocks

Makoa (PO3,), a boy was born on May 12th, 2019, on Mother’s Day in North Shore. Mother is Honey Girl (R5AY), PO3 is her 12th pup. Honey Girl weaned PO3 on June 28th. It was 47 days nursing period for him. Get rest, Honey Girl and Stay safe, PO3. NOAA gave him ID Tags as RL36/37 on July 15th.

I have privileged to observe Makoa, RL36/37 almost every week since his birthday. But unfortunately, I received sad news from NOAA that he passed away on November 9th at only 5 months 27 days old. Unknown the cause of his death right now but it was not from illness. Makoa, love you forever❤️

Kamakana (PO4,) a boy was born on May 20th, 2019. Mother is Sadie (RB12/13, born in 2007), PO4 is her 7th pup. Mom and pup is staying on the isolated island and the public is not allowed to go there. Mama, Sadie weaned PO4 on July 2nd. PO4 is officially alone now. Be safe and happy life!! NOAA gave him ID Tags as RL46/47.

NOAA confirmed the mother is Sadie (RB12/13) on June 13th. Photo by NOAA

NOAA confirmed the mother is Sadie (RB12/13) on June 13th. Photo by NOAA

Nanea (PO5) a girl was born on July 19th. Mother is Pohaku (RO28/29, born in 2006.) PO5 is 7th pup for Pohaku and 1st girl pup for 2019 on O`ahu. Mama, Pohaku weaned PO5 on August 28th. NOAA gave her official ID Tags as RL44/45. Be safe in the wildlife, Nanea!

Nanea, RL44/45 was killed by human interaction on September 24th, 2019 at only 2 months and 5 days. We don't know why it happened. Nanea, lest in Love and Peace! I love you forever❤️

A member of Hawaii Visitors & Convention Bureau

A member of Hawaii Visitors & Convention Bureau

We are on the article of Hawaii Business Reviews - Feature Friday:

Please scroll down to the article “ECO-TOURISM, MONK SEALS, AND KITTIE TRAVEL MEET KEIKO!”

We are on the article of Travel Weekly:

Kittie Travel has been crowned:



Best Cultural Tour Guide 2019 - Hawaii

Travel & Tourism Award

Award for Excellence in Monk Seal Conservation Education 2019

by LUX Life Magazine, England

Best Educational Marine Wildlife Tour - Hawaii

Sustained Excellence in Monk Seal Education 2018

by LUX Life Magazine, England


Aloha Mrs. Keiko,

I just wanted you to know that we enjoyed your presentation on the Monk Seals on Sunday.  I absolutely loved how you took time out of your busy schedule to teach us about the monk seals prior to our visit.  I never participated in any tour in which the tourists are educated by the guide prior to the tour.  This experience will definitely enhance our adventure and it will become more meaningful and enjoyable.  You are definitely a true ambassador for the Monk Seals.  It was wonderful for you to share your knowledge, expertise, and time we us.  You are a wonderful woman and we are grateful to take such an amazing journey with you on July 19th.  It will be such a special way to spend our last day on Oahu.  Mahalo!  🌺🌺 Sabrina K (New Orlinse, LA)

More reviews at the Viator website



ハワイアン-モンク-シールについてもっと学びたいと思われる方はここに挙げた本や情報を使われると良いと思います。ご質問がございましたら何時でも Kittie Travel (808) 518-7642 にお問い合わせ下さい!

フェイスブックの “ハワイのアザラシを学ぶ” もアザラシのことを毎日話しています。


Hawaiian Monk Seal Ambassadorとしてどの様にすればアザラシを護ってあげることが出来ますか?

·       アザラシを見た時、距離を置いてアザラシが寝ている, 脱皮する, 子供を産む, 子供を育てるなどを見守って下さい。

·       アザラシを見るときは15 メートル以上距離を置くか、アザラシのサインやロープの中に入らないようにして下さい。“親指のルール”を使いましょう!

·       飼い犬はいつもリーシュに繋いでアザラシの方へ駆け出さないように管理してください。

·       海の中ではアザラシに近付いたり一緒に遊んだりしないで下さい

·       アザラシを野生動物としておくために餌を与えたりしないで下さい

·       アザラシは米国政府とハワイ州の法律によって保護されています。アザラシが海岸で邪魔されず安全に休息をとることはとても大切です。

·       もし、アザラシの写真をフェイスブックやインスタグラムなどに載せるときはアザラシの所在地を記入しないで下さい。友人や知人に話すときも同様です。

·       アザラシを海岸で見かけたら必ず NOAA ホットラインに電話で連絡して下さい。 電話番号: (888) 256-9840


If you would like to learn more about Hawaiian Monk Seal, these below information are good place to start. Please let us know if you have any question or inquiries at (808) 518-7642!

Our page, Lean Hawaiian Monk Seal on Facebook talks about the seal every day. Please visit us!

絵本、ハワイアン-モンク-シール(ハワイのアザラシ)作者はPatrick ChingA Picture book “The Hawaiian Monk Seal” by Patrick Ching

絵本、ハワイアン-モンク-シール(ハワイのアザラシ)作者はPatrick Ching

A Picture book “The Hawaiian Monk Seal” by Patrick Ching

絵本 (Picture book)

作者、Patrick Ching が若い頃にNOAAで働いていた時のハワイアン-モンク-シールについての体験や得た知識をもとに書かれている絵本で全ての絵は彼によって書かれたものです。

Author, Patrick Ching. This book is about Hawaiian Monk Seal based on his experience when he was working with NOAA and protected Hawaiian Monk Seal at he was younger age.

KP2の壮大な旅、作者 Terrie M. WilliamsA book, The Odyssey of KP2 by Terrie M. Williams

KP2の壮大な旅、作者 Terrie M. Williams

A book, The Odyssey of KP2 by Terrie M. Williams


KP2、Ho`a は11才の雄のハワイアン-モンク-シールですが彼は他の野生のアザラシとは全く違った生き方をして来ました。目が不自由なためにワイキキ水族館に住んでいます。

KP2, Ho`a is a 10 years old male Hawaiian Monk Seal. He had a very hard life since he was born in Kauai and rescued by NOAA. He lives at Waikiki Aquarium because his eye sights is not able to survive in the wildlife.

アザラシのいるビーチには保護範囲のサインがあります。A seal and SRA (seal resting area) on the beach


A seal and SRA (seal resting area) on the beach


What is SRA (Seal resting area) on the beach?


Hawaiian Monk Seal is endangered Marine animal species and is protected by State of Hawaii and the Federal laws. So, people are asked to stay behind any signs or ropes that have been established by HMAR or other authorized personnel. Please keep your pets on a leash in the vicinity of a Hawaiian Monk Seal to prevent disease transmission between the animals.

Honey Girl (R5YA) is 20+ years old and a mother of 12 pups. Her newest pup was born on Mother’s Day, May 12th!!
The locals called her “Super Mom.”
Do you want to learn more about Honey Girl?
The picture book, “Honey Girl the Hawaiian Monk Seal” by Jeanne Walker Harvey

Our mission




We teach as many people as possible about Hawaiian Monk Seal is precious and important existence to the Marine wildlife through our Hawaiian Monk Seal tours.

We help to improve the marine environment and support to make Hawaiian Monk Seal feel safe and comfortable, and its population increases and stabilizes.

We cherish the blessings of the beautiful sea, mountains, and the earth, and continue to appreciate all living creatures.

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